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Innis Arden Golf Club
Twilight Golf & Paddle Tennis Event
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Old Greenwich, CT
Innis Arden Golf Club
Play for P.I.N.K. Event
Sunday, October 1st, 2017
3:30pm check in and play starts for 9-hole Golf Scramble & Paddle Tennis Round Robin
5:30pm dinner & raffle
Open to all members (women and men) and your guests
Minimum $50 donation per person to play. Other amounts are provided as options, in case you can help a little more. Please consider donating even if you are unable to attend. All donations go towards cancer research and help Play for P.I.N.K.!
Registration fees are tax deductible and 100% goes to Play for P.I.N.K. to fund breast cancer research. You will be asked to specify if you would like to play Golf or Paddle after clicking REGISTER.
No greens fees for guests. Golf cart fees and dinner fees for members and guests will be charged separately and billed directly to your Innis account. Dinner is $40 per person.
Festive Attire: Pink !
(pink items for sale at the Golf & Tennis pro shops)
contact Lindsay Stafford (lws3@sbcglobal.net) with questions about Golf
contact Bonnie Bancroft (bonnie.banc@gmail.com) with questions about Paddle
The event will be held rain or shine.