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Plateau Club Play for P.I.N.K.
Friday, September 11, 2020
(Event Cancelled)
Click DONATE above to make a donation to Play for P.I.N.K.
Be sure to enter Plateau Club when asked if your donation should be credited to a specific PFP club/event
Thank you for your support!
September 11th would have been our 17th annual Play for P.I.N.K. event at Plateau Club!
As much as we will miss the joy and laughter, and sharing and caring, of our Plateau Club ‘Sea of PINK’, our in-person celebration is turning into an invitation to give.
With much disappointment for us and our Plateau community, we decided to cancel our 2020 P.I.N.K. event due to the implications of COVID-19.
While COVID-19 is constantly on our minds, we cannot forget that every two minutes, someone is diagnosed with breast cancer.
Continuing to fund researchers supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) is vital in reaching our ultimate mission: ending breast cancer.
Last year, Play for P.I.N.K. donated $4.9 million to breast cancer research. This year, with the cancellation of many P.I.N.K. events across the country, raising money for this important cause is a huge challenge.
Even though we cannot be together in person, we hope you will join us and show your commitment to research. Your support is needed now more than ever.
If you wish to donate via check, please make payable to Play for P.I.N.K. and mail to:
Claudia Burke
3821 E Lake Sammamish Shore Lane SE
Sammamish, WA 98075
Thank you all for your support and dedication to P.I.N.K. We can’t wait until September 10, 2021 when we can celebrate together and raise funds for this very important cause. Until then, be safe and stay healthy.
Thank you,
Plateau Club Play for P.I.N.K. Committee