P.I.N.K. All Stars – Pam Blakely and Kris Charton

For nearly a decade Pam Blakely and Kris Charton have been the dearest of friends and partners in all things “Play for P.I.N.K.” at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club near San Diego, CA. Both women are connected to the cause through friends and family who have had to face a terrifying breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Pam can vividly remember a sunny Florida day 15 years ago when a close girlfriend shared her shocking breast cancer diagnosis while playing golf together just days after she celebrated her 40th birthday. Kris has a sister and a sister-in-law who are both breast cancer survivors. The experiences of these survivors have inspired a deep commitment from Pam and Kris to support advances in research and treatment of breast cancer.
Fundraising for Play for P.I.N.K. perfectly fits their commitment. “We love being able to tell our donors that 100% of the funds we raise goes directly to research,” says Kris. Pam added, “We are inspired by the increase in survivor rates and by the improvements and innovations to the treatment of breast cancer. What really motivates us is that research is working, and lives are being saved. We whole-heartedly believe a cure is imminent.” said Kris.
At Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club, our Women’s Golf Club sponsors the annual Play for P.I.N.K. golf tournament in October. We encourage men, women and couples to participate. Obviously, the more the merrier. We charge each player an entry fee and most of those fees go to Play for P.I.N.K. We also have a Live Auction and Silent Auction. Yet, the majority of the money we raise comes from Sponsorships. Our community is incredibly generous and supportive of this event. So many families have been touched by this disease and want to help find a cure.
Pam continued, “Sharing a common cause and uniting to participate through sports and fun, healthy activities is so rewarding and uplifting for all of us…Patients, Survivors, Friends and Loved Ones.” “Plus,” Kris joked, “we get to wear costumes and we love anything involving a costume.”