Pros for P.I.N.K. – Rosedale Country Club

Corey Pion, the Head Golf Pro at Rosedale Country Club in Florida was impacted by cancer when his grandmother died of the disease at only 52 years of age. She is the reason Play for P.I.N.K. is such an important event for him. Here is how Corey helps to raise money for life-saving research:
Money is raised in a variety of ways at Rosedale. The golf outing is held on a Saturday morning but in addition to that we have a Friday night event of chipping, pitching and putting. That is open to everyone whether they are a golfer or not. In addition to the Friday and Saturday events, we have a week long silent auction, as well as individual hole sponsorships, corporate sponsorships, a neighborhood fund drive, a local artist selling her custom-made jewelry and two live auctions – one on Friday night and one Saturday, after the luncheon.
We sell mulligans and have separate 50/25/25 raffles – one on Friday night and one on Saturday which were all very well received. We do a 50/25/25 instead of a straight 50/50 because we usually get excellent participation and the more people that win, the happier they are and the more they are inclined to participate.
My advice to other Play for P.I.N.K. clubs is to start planning early and advertise, advertise, advertise! We have our signup sheets in the clubhouse but we all make phone calls to personally invite people and get the word out. It’s that personal touch that puts it over the top.
This is a definite do good/feel good event for me, especially since I lost a family member so early. I love doing these events. Play for P.I.N.K. has been a flagship event at Rosedale for many years