Pros for P.I.N.K. – The Seawane Club

This month we are featuring two of the incredible staff at The Seawane Club who have supported the many Play for P.I.N.K. activities for over a decade.
Tyler Jaramillo – Head Pro (pictured)
I have not been personally impacted by cancer but know many friends and mentors where cancer changed their lives. I consider myself very blessed. Our club offered several different ways to donate money. Some Sponsorship ideas were holes, tees, practice green/range, and bridges. We had multiple holes on each putting green throughout the course and each person put up a certain number for each flag. We also offered a chance to purchase mulligans, and tee shots up over water which were so well received that our membership asks to do the same thing in other events. Another component is the very successful raffle where I donated lessons and apparel. Our event is so well attended, that we are not sure the course could handle any more golfers. One idea is to have a neighboring golf course become involved in the festivities. This event selfishly is very rewarding for the club and myself. The amount of work that the committee puts into this event, year after year, is tremendous and all those involved get to reap the benefits of the “feel good” sensation. Knowing who benefits from the cause aids everyone to do the job they do. We ensure that our guests recognize the hard work, so they continue to be involved. When events are done to this caliber, there is no surprise it is so successful. A big shout out goes to all who make this event possible. There is nothing like it and I am entirely surprised what the Seawane team puts together year after year!
Brian Benedict – Golf Course Superindendent
My father was treated for prostate cancer so I know firsthand how cancer impacts a family. In addition to what Tyler has mentioned, we also offered a “Pink Ribbon Find”, similar to an Easter Egg hunt. Pink ribbons were hidden all over the property and the person or group that found the most received a raffle prize. It’s just another way to add some fun into the day. In addition, we spray paint huge pink ribbons on different part of the course with the words Hope. We really try to put the fun in fundraising.