P.I.N.K. All Star – Carrie Harstad

Carrie Harstad and her committee at Eastpointe Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida are this month’s P.I.N.K. All Stars. Carrie remains involved as breast cancer has deeply affected her family. Here is Carrie’s story: The first tournament I participated in was in 2016. I had been diagnosed with breast cancer and played in the tournament before having my first surgery. The second year I approached Laura Lassman, Play for P.I.N.K.’s President and asked if I could create baskets to raffle off. That year my team and I raised $13,700. The following year Laura asked me to take over as chair. The money we raise motivates me to continue my work. After my surgery I didn’t need chemotherapy based on research findings from BCRF.
The fact that 100% of money raised goes directly to research has made this the only charity I work to support. We have been able to donate more each year. When I started in 2016, our club donated about $45,000 and 2023 was a record-breaking contribution to PFP of $108,000! We added a silent auction, continue with our raffle baskets, added a Kids for PINK walk to involve more families. The kids get sponsors to walk and dress up in Pink.
I love all our PINK Events! It provides me the opportunity to discuss my journey with cancer and how BCRF directly affected my treatment.
Lastly, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer about 10 years prior to my diagnosis, my mom was diagnosed after my sister, I was diagnosed and then my had a recurrence. My mom has since died from the disease.
I am not the reason we raise as much as we do. I still work full time (three 12-hour shifts per week as an RN and Lactation Consultant) so Tracy Mancinelli and Mo Busa Gilbert are responsible for driving all over to collect donated items. Valerie Duckrow prints out and mails all our donation letters and follows up on those who don’t respond. Monica Sica does most of our graphics, and Evie Odea organizes all our volunteers. I still head up the silent auction and participate in all the other events but as you understand, it definitely takes a team.